Hindu and Hindu Dharma
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Hindu Dharma

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Hindu and Hindu Dharma
Hindu dharma is world’s oldest living dharma (religious philosophy and way of life). Hindu dharma is over 8500 years old. It is tolerant, resilient and peace-loving. The root of Hindu dharma lie in the Indian subcontinent, in the Indus (Sindhu) valley which had 300 advanced settlements as early as 5000 BCE. Hindu dharma is also called Sanatana Dharma or Eternal Dharma. Hindu dharma has no founder, the word Sanatana implies that it always existed. Acceptance of different modes of worship.

Concept Of God
The truth (Ultimate Reality) is one, Sages call it by different names - there is one God, (Supreme Reality) perceived differently. Supreme Reality - Brahman has two aspects, transcendent (impersonal) and immanent (personal). In the impersonal aspect Brahman is without attributes (nirguna Brahman). In personal aspect (saguna Brahman) the God is creator, preserver and controller of the universe. Saguna Brahman is worshipped in male and female form. Hindu Deities represent various perceptions of a one God. Hindus believe in monotheistic polytheism, rather than polytheism.

Four Stages Of Hindu Life
Brahmacharya Ashrama This stage begins when a child enters school at an early age and continues until he or she has finished all schooling . The goal is to acquire knowedge, build character and learn to shoulder resonsibilities. Grhastha Ashrama This stage begins at marriage. In this ashrama an individual pays three debts (service of God, serving sages and saints and to ancestors), and enjoys good and noble things in life in accordace with Artha-Kama-Moksha. Vanaprastha Ashrama After the responsibilities of Grahastha ashrama are complete (when one’s children have reached adulthood) one enters this ashrama. This is known as ascetic or hermit stage of life. In this stage one gradually withdraws from active life and begins devoting more time to study of scriptures, contemplation and meditation. Sannyasa Ashrama This ashrama is the final stage of life in which an individual mentally renounces all worldly ties, spends all of his or her time in meditation and contemplation and ponders over the mystries of life. In ancient times one wouldpart company with one’s family and become a mendicant


Vande Matharam !